mixed planting, basic protections, hope for the best
my 50 yr 7 acre north slope is covered in trees.
it was ashes, sand and bracken that burned a treat before i started throwing seeds
the soil is about a foot deep and damp enough not to burn easily
30 or so types of oak, many assorted others that range from mature nanny birch to well cropping fruit and nut things
there are some conifers and a few "exotics"
what thrives so far may be different to what thrives in a while
these have created soil and a proto forest with varied micro niches
in 500 yrs it will be different, now it is better than when i first knew it
I have read some of that, and will read it more fully as I am currently writing a management plan for the woods. We are managing climate change by altering the age range of the plantation areas by thinning and opening up glades for natural regeneration, encouraging seeding of trees so that we get the ones surviving at any one time that are likely to succeed and be somewhat adaptable to whatever climate change occurs, have a mixed woodland so that there is a range of species. We are not likely to suffer from fire, and being on chalk, the water can be drawn up through the tree roots. Our woodland has been there for perhaps 1000 years, so has already withstood several climate changes such as the 'mini ice age'.