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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 05 11:40 pm    Post subject: New Recycling Ideas Reply with quote

Hi JRP Recycling Ideas can help to save lives. My recycling project was designed by me to reuse millions of waste plastic containers of many shapes and sizes and unwanted wooden pallets,to grow things to help feed the starving in the third world mainly, now and in the future in a drought or flood situation, like they have in AFRICA, and since the TSUNAMI struck in ASIA. How? done by simply reusing rubbish in this country and in the rest of the world,which there is no other system in the world can match for free,because it's all made from rubbish on a small scale or a large one,for example to grow food to eat done by using my simple to make transportable recycling system,which can also be made to carry water,food,clothing,tools,and the like,which I believe there is no other system in the world can match for free,which I'm offering to all the people of the world for free as a inventor. Why? because nothing I grow is grown in the grownd it's self by design,because I wanted a system where I could be able to move my crops from one place to another without them all dieing,which you can't do if they are grown in the normal way. By using my transportable system there are other benefits too,no weeds,no slugs,no snails,and less insects to control,plus it has it's own water recycling system built in,simple done by undoing or doing up the container cap,which is at the bottom of every cut container,plus I can empty out one or more containers at any one time,and in all weathers,without getting my shoes muddy. How?because for example every thing I grow on my allotment plot is grown in plastic containers ,which are set out on unwanted wooden pallets in this country to represent to others any surface it will work on,including water. How?because every thing is desigened to self stand or float,plus for example one row of 10 containers can be made to be positioned at any hight by the means of it's carrying beam. Plus it does mean you can sow inside or outside if you want to,and you can grow more for longer if you want to,because it can all be moved on a small or large scale from one place to another. Which means I alone can reuse 300 plastic containers at any one time on each of my pallet sections if I want to by design,which does mean on my half plot alone I will reuse at least 9,000 plastic containers to help stop them going in to landfill sites.
Pus the fact, if I wanted to stop the way I was doing things,every thing could be recycled again,leaving a completely weed free flat surface area for some one else to use,which I did not have when I first started my recycling projet which involves no digging as shown on my own novice website www.recycling.moonfruit.com to help save millions of lives in the simplest of ways,Which I know can be done by reusing millions of waste plastic containers and unwanted wooden pallets in this country and in the rest of the world for free, to add to what's already being recycled now in so many different ways,by us all working together we can make a big difference to so many peoples lives,now and for generations? to come in the future. I hope you found my recycling ideas of interest to you enough to try or tell some one about. John Pendergast S.E London.


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 05 10:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi John

Did you have problems logging on? post again if you did with the problem you're getting and I'll try and sort it out for you.


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 05 10:51 pm    Post subject: The main benefits of recycling Reply with quote

The main benefits of using my recycling ideas are?
(1) It will help to reduce waste plastic containers and wood going in to landfill sites.
(2) It will help to reduce people dieing in the third world mainly.
Whilst I know I'm setting my self up to be knocked down again by all those people I have not convinced. It's a known fact no matter where any one lives they make waste of some sort, which can be re-used again in some way. All I've done is to design something which can be used made from rubbish.
To answer some points raised.
Yes, I would send some of our rubbish to any where if it ment improving someones life.
Yes, I would like it to be part of our world aid programme,along with all the money that pays for the plastic containers filled with water or the like on wooden pallets in the first place,sent to help those people in a bad flood or bad drought situation.
YES,we all know about polluting the air that we all breath in for free,whether we are rich or poor if we use aircraft,ships,helicopters lorries,or cars and motor bikes,as they all burn fuel to power their engins. But until teliporting something is invented by some one like me,the camel and donkey and boat are one of the best ways to transport many things,as they are environmentally friendly to use.
Plus of course my very simple to make transportable system,which can be carried from one place to another with something inside each row of plastic containers set out on a length of wood,to add to what ever else does the same job,but in a different way.
I know by us all working together we can make a big difference to our world. John JRP.

Last edited by john on Mon Mar 14, 05 10:21 pm; edited 5 times in total


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PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 05 9:34 am    Post subject: Re: The main benefits of recycling Reply with quote

john wrote:
The main benefits of using my recycling ideas are?
(1) It will help to reduce waste plastic containers and wood going in to landfill sites.

But we'll still be producing a LOT more plastic than we can utilise in this way. You're basically suggesting a midlle point re-use of a container, which would cause no reduction in the total amount of waste produced; factor in wear and tear on containers, replacing damaged ones, etc. and the advantage you're speaking of here is unclear.

Better perhaps to encourage people to use re-useable rather than merely re-cyclable materials, don't you think?

(2) It will help to reduce people dieing in the third world mainly.
Whilst I know I'm setting my self up to be knocked down again by all those people I have not convinced. It's a known fact no matter where any one lives they make waste of some sort, which can be reused again in some way. All I've done is to design something which can be used made from rubbish.

It's not for want of containers that people starve, it's for want of water and good soil.

To answer some points raised.
Yes, I would send some of our rubbish to any where if it ment improving someones life.
Yes, I would like it to be part of our world aid programme,along with all the money that pays for the plastic containers filled with water or the like on wooden pallets in the first place,to help those people in a bad flood or bad drought situation.

Explain this to me. Assume I'm a farmer in, say, Somalia. My crops are parched from lack of water, my sons are gone (lost to AIDS and warfare), and all I have is some precious saved seed. If I can get a good crop, I'll survive, if I can't then I'll die. I haven't always got enough clean water to drink, let alone irrigate. Describe to me how your invention will save my life.

YES,we all know about polluting the air that we all breath in for free,whether we are rich or poor if we use aircraft,ships,helicopters lorries,or cars and motor bikes,as they all burn fuel to power their engins. But until teliporting something is invented by some one like me,the camel and donkey and boat are one of the best ways to transport many things.
Plus ofcause my very simple to make transportable system,which can be carried from one place to another with something inside each row of plastic containers set out on a length of wood,to add to what ever else does the same job,but in a different way.
I know by us all working together we can make a big difference to our world. John JRP.

I don't understand the points made in the first part of that last passage, but I do agree with your last point.


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PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 05 4:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't understand it either, how will a bunch of sawn off plastic containers help people with no water? I don't mean to be rude John but I don't get it, perhaps I have missed something? Surely if the materials are sent abroad in large quantities we will be adding to the air pollution too.


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 05 8:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Points raised by those who are CONFUSED by what I'm trying to do,and the way I'm trying to do it,saving lives I mean, by re-using- recycling plastic containers and unwanted wooden pallets.

(1) I have designed a simple system that works,made from plastic containers and unwanted wooden pallets in the UK,to show to others in the rest of the world,what I have done in different ways,they can do too,if they have any plastic containers and unwanted wooden pallets laying around.

(2) My designed system is made up of for example,a length of wood which is passed through a number of upside down 6 pint cut plastic milk containers, which can have compost or soil put inside them,or other plastic containers of different sizes,put inside the same upside down 6 pint cut milk container,with compost or soil inside one of them,to grow food to eat, after you have of course put some seeds in first.

(3) Next you need water to feed the crops,this is done by the container collecting rain water, in the plastic containers which are set out in rows of 10 in the UK, which can be carried from one place to another with either just water in or crops and water in them, recycling the same water over and over again untill there's no more water to recycle,done by simply undoing and doing up the cap at the bottom of each container. Untill the person finds water for themselves in some way or they will both die. But a long time after their crops would have died in the ground in a drought situation for example.

(4)Because my simple transportable system can be used in many ways,I can see no reason why it can't be used to carry,water, food, crops,tools,clothes,and the like,because it's self standing if you use 4 or more even numbers,plus it will float like a boat on water with the main base container cap done up of course.

To see photo proof of what I'm writing about please visit my website www.recycling.moonfruit.com to help you to get a clearer picture of what can be done? John JRP

Last edited by john on Sat Sep 10, 05 9:23 pm; edited 3 times in total


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 05 11:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

john wrote:
Points raised by those who are CONFUSED by what I'm trying to do,and the way I'm trying to do it,saving lives I mean, by reusing- recycling plastic containers and unwanted wooden pallets.

(1) I have designed a simple system that works,made from plastic containers and unwanted wooden pallets in this country,to show to others in the rest of the world,what I have done in different ways,they can do too,if they have any plastic containers and unwanted wooden pallets laying around.

Great. I'm sure that everyone here approves of re-using waste. How, thogh, will that really affect the net volume of material that will go to landfill/recycling? Aren't you merely borrowing said materials on their way through the system, as it were?

(2) My designed system is made up of for example,a length of wood which is passed through a number of upside down 6 pint cut plastic milk containers, which can have compost or soil put inside them,or other plastic containers of different sizes,put inside the same upside down 6 pint cut milk container,with compost or soil inside one of them,to grow food to eat, after you have of cause put
some seeds in first.

Quite ingenious.

(3) Next you need water to feed the crops,this is done by the container collecting rain water, in the plastic containers which are set out in rows of 10 in this country, which can be carried from one place to another with either just water in or crops and water in them, recycling the same water over and over again untill there's no more water to recycle,done by simply undoing and doing up the cap at the bottom of each container. Untill the person finds water for them self in some way or they will both die. But a long time after their crops would have died in the ground in a drought situation for example.

I don't get it. Containers lose moisture like the ground does if there is no rain; people in developing countries don't die for want of plant pots, they die for want of fertile soil, rain, and seed (amongst a whole load of other reasons). How is what you're putting forward going to save lives?

(4)Because my simple transportable system can be used in many ways,I can see no reason why it can't be used to carry,water, food, crops,tools,clothes,and the like,because it's self standing if you use 4 or more even numbers,plus it will float like a boat on water with the main base container cap done up of cause.

To see photos of what I'm writing about please visit my website www.recycling.moonfruit.com to help you to get a clearer picture of what can be done? John JRP

Again, when is it really useful to have transportable live crops?


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 05 10:55 pm    Post subject: Points Raised Reply with quote

(1) Chemicals being released from plastic containers over a period of time.
(2) Not replacing any compost used over a long period of time.
(3)Making my allotment plot ideas work in the third world.

(1)Chemicals in plastic? Chemicals leaking from any type of plastic we use worrys me too. So I do share peoples concerns about some food poisoning taking place when using my plastic container ideas,and what we read in books. But if we all really knew what we were eating I'm sure we would starve too. Why ? For example because we eat what we are told is safe,by people who supply our food for money or sell it to make money. Yes we have a chose to grow food our selfs or to keep animals to eat. But in 2005 we have moved on from not doing that so much,to going to get what ever we want at a price from a suppler who is in the business of making money too,which we get in the UK whether we are working or not.
But in the third world the poor are really poor compared to us. That's one very good reason why people want to come and live in the Uk and no where else,because people get money to buy food and clothes for example,which their own country does not give them as of right from the day they are born,which we do in the Uk. But the poor people have learnt to cope and survive on next to nothing for many years ever since begging became a way of life,and stealing too,if it ment improving a way of life.
That's where my recycling ideas come in to be used not so much in the UK,but where you can't see the dry land for the pepole who are dieing or starvation and lack of water too, in camps set up to help feed them so they can live,to have even more children who will need feeding. Which they will do, until life it's self means something,compared to a way of life.
My system works. I'm sure if it was in the hands of a poor person in the third world,they would use it in the way I have tried out, as if I was a poor person. But they would get a much better end result than me,as they are really poor,and starving,dealing with life on a day to day bases,rather than worrying about something like plastic, which we use a lot of and they don't for example, to carry shopping in,to cover food, to seal food in to help keep it fresh for example....?

(2) Not doing any thing to the compost used.
The reason I don't add anything to my compost is mother nature does it for me. How? I don't know how but I've put seed potatoes in and I've got new potatoes out,for example all the year round,like all my other crops I've grown and eaten. All I've done is to give nature the very basics to work with,multipurpose compost made from what ever? And a water supply which is used over and over again,which may be green,brown,black,and stinks too,but it works as my website www.recycling.moonfruit.com photos show.

(3) Making my allotment plot ideas work in the third world.
My system works on a large or small scale as my website photos show. The problem I have is I have not shown it working on a flat roof,a balcony,a patieo,on a deck of a ship,on a derelict building site,in a school yard,in a classroom,on a windowsill,in a windowbox,on a beach,on water,or up a tree,which I will do if you need convincing of what I claim is true. Plus I forgot my system can be hung up,tied up,nailed up,and carried too,which my allotment plot represents in many ways in the UK,as nothing is grown in the ground it's self by design.
Thank you for taking the time to read my message to you,in the hope it will help to give to you a clearer picture of what I'm tring to do for the poor people in the world with my recycling ideas. John JRP.

Last edited by john on Mon Mar 14, 05 10:32 pm; edited 1 time in total


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 05 10:11 pm    Post subject: Container bird scarer. Reply with quote

My ideas on how to re-use plastic containers of many shapes and sizes to scare birds away,if you are trying to protect your crops.
To do this you can use any plastic container with a screw on cap. This is used as a pivoting device,putting into or through canes of different lengths and sizes. Which I will now tell you how to do, to add to what's already being made by gardeners now to scare birds away, which will also help to reduce the amount of waste plastic containers going in to landfill sites in the UK and in the rest of the world if used.
(1) First you choose your plastic container with a screw on cap.
(2) Then you decide what type of pivoting device you want to make,for example.
One that pivots in a upright position all the time or one that varies on turning. My basic one to make is a container with it's bottom cut completely off, with 4 or 8 holes made in it, 2 on each side in a straight lines,big enough for your bean canes ends to pass through. Made with a pointed tool of some sort,for example a phillips screwdriver. Putting the cane end through first at the thinner end until you have the length you want sticking out on each side. You do this 2 or 4 times,ending up with what looks like a aerial device,when it's put on top of another garden bean cane with the fatter end stuck in the ground. You should now have your pivoting container device spinning on top of your bean cane in contact with the inside of the container cap,and in-between the 2 or 4 sections of wood you can see from the bottom. Forming a trap area so that the pivoting device does not come off in high winds.
(3) The next thing to do is to decide what you are going to have hanging from your cane arms sticking out from your pivoting container device. Such as a number of container tied in rows,done so that they bang together,or made from cans and containers which will do the same thing. The cans have string tied to the ringpull bit or the containers have a hole made in the middle of the screw on cap,to then have a length of string passed through it,with a large knot at one end to stop it pulling through,also tied on in rows. Or you can use old plastic shopping bags,cut in half to act like a flag does in the wind,cutting lots of strips in each bag section first to make even more noise in the wind,and movement.
(4) If you want to protect higher and lower crops at the same time on each turn. Just simply make your holes in the container at the angle that you need,instead of straight across. Remembering that you must have all your canes at equal distance apart on each side of your container so that it does not bang against the wood on the inside of your container,which of course will happen a bit when the wind trys to pass your long or short arms of cane, with what ever you have hanging down from them. Remembering to protect your self from the cane ends,by putting something like another container or a can over them to stop you poking your eyes out.
My pivoting container device can also be used at any height and it should work in the slightist of winds too. Which all of my many pivoting containers did,when I covered my whole allotment plot area with them,to show other what I made they could make too.
If you have any troubles making my bird scarer please post here. I will try to put some photo proof of what I have made in the past on to my website www.recycling.moonfruit.com ,even though I don't need them my self. John. JRP.


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 05 3:33 pm    Post subject: My Recycling System Works? Reply with quote

A message to those who want to know?
The reason why I bother to re-use recycle plastic containers and wooden pallets are. About 10 years ago I decided to re-use my rubbish to make things as a inventor for proto types,which I have a filed patent for,but I can't afford to take it any further. So I decided to invent something which any one can make,to help reduce waste plastic containers of all shapes and sizes going into landfill sites,along with unwanted wooden pallets too,which are thrown away every day,which the Govenment backs and the borough council do too if there is money involved.
But because my ideas are new,and there is no money involved,I'm struggling to get people to use them, even though my main aim is to help save lives,not in this country so much but in the third world. Which if you have read any thing about me is what I'm trying to do in different ways,growing food to eat is just one way that works for me,which I thought I would share with the rest of the world,which money can't buy,as I'm offering it for free to any one who wants to make my simple transportable system,whether it's in the UK or any where else,as it's made from rubbish.
The simple concept of my transportable system is,rows of plastic milk containers on a carrying support made from wood,passed through the handle space of each container which are all upside down,and cut round the bottom facing away from each other on oppsite sides,4 containers being the smallest amount to self stand, 10 being the amount I use as my base main containers. In to them you can put,the same size container with some compost in or a smaller cut milk container with a bottomless clear bottle inside that,which you put compost or soil in and what ever you decide to grow.
At this point I would like to say to you all. What you see in the way of photo proof on my website www.recycling.moonfruit.com , I have grown and eaten with my family and friends,which I've also grown with very little gardening knowledge my self. So if I can feed my self any one can. I say to you all please don't knock something until you have at least tried it out,remembering if you do decide to stop the way I do things,it can all be carried away and recycled again. I hope this message has made the picture clearer for you. If we all do our bit it will make a difference to our world in some way. John. JRP.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 05 10:30 pm    Post subject: Reply to Gavin. Reply with quote

:idea:Thank You for your e-mail Gavin.
It's nice to know some one who's done his bit to help others,and what you wrote about was also very informative too.
I'm sorry to say that I have sent letters to charities and Clare Short and to Sir Bob Geldof and any one else you may think of in the past,but if they don't reply what else can I do,apart from tell people face to face or on the internet.
They say actions speak louder than words. I have made a system that works,it's up to others whether they use it or not. John. JRP.


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 05 1:33 pm    Post subject: Rubbish going into landfill sites? Reply with quote

The only way I believe you will ever stop most of our rubbish going into landfill sites,is to involve money. Be it on how much you recycle on a small or large scale your self. Which would mean instead of us paying to have our recyclable rubbish taken away,we would get some money back. Like they did years ago on glass bottles as they were of value,because they can be cleaned and re-used again and again until they get broken,unlike a plastic bottle which was made to last for years.
With this in mined if we don't stop it now,it will mean for example starting from today. If I bought say one plastic container which was biodegradable and it took 1 year to decompose,and I did this every day for 365 days adding one day to my 365 which my first one would take to decompose. Now multiply that by millions each day,and then add the first 365 years onto,to days plastic container. I think you will agree with me that we are wasting our time on this earth if we don't do something now,in what ever way we can. If ever a bomb was dropped on our landfill sites it would burn so much it would turn the sky black and the air to poison. Which could happen like it did years ago. John. JRP.

Last edited by john on Mon Mar 28, 05 5:11 pm; edited 1 time in total


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 05 2:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

recycling does keep the cost of waste disposal down, thus saving money bfor council tax payers.
Recycling also uses less energy and resourses that using virgin raw materials, thus also keeping costs down.
From the 1st of April all Councils will be given a landfill limit, any tonnage over this limit will result in fines of between £150 and £200 per tonne of waste disposed, over and above collection and disposal costs. This will mean that recycling can potentially save the council tax payers collectively thousands of pounds per year because the fines would be met by increasing the council tax.
Making plastic containers more biodegradable would not help as the material could not be reused through recycling or reuse. It would either have to be composted - good solution, or landfilled - causing methane production and associated disposal cost and possible excess tonnage fine.
I doubt very much that a landfill site would burn as oxygen is mainly excluded from the landfill cells which are built and sealed with an impermeble material, with leachate and methane being drawn off constantly. However I am not a landfill engineer so my technical knowlage is some what lacking in this area.


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 05 11:02 pm    Post subject: I'M ON TV? Reply with quote



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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 05 11:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

thanks John, look forward to seing

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